About Me

Hello! I am Mohanad Alrwaihy, Electronics Engineering graduate passionate about web development, specializing in NextJS, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS. I am experienced in developing interactive, dynamic user interfaces and websites with a deep understanding of JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. I seek an opportunity as a Frontend Developer to make meaningful contributions using my skills and knowledge.

I did not start learning Web Development until 2021 when I was working on the final year of my Electronics Engineering studies. I have always been great with Computers and I spend a lot of time using them and I always like to tweak settings, modify the look of Windows and spend time learning programs like Photoshop, Sony Vegas, and others.

During my first year of college, I was introduced to my first programming language, C. It was challenging at first since I had no prior experience with programming, but I gradually became familiar with the language's syntax and basic operations.

Throughout my studies, I was introduced to various programming languages and programs such as Mbed, Arduino, Quartus II, which is used for VHDL, and Raspberry Pi, which utilizes Python.

I discovered my passion for coding and decided to explore further by searching for online courses. I came across freeCodeCamp, a non-profit organization that offers an excellent collection of courses in Web development, JavaScript, databases, back-end development, and more. I began taking courses one by one.

During my journey in Web development, I have had access to a wealth of resources to learn from, which has allowed me to explore various tools, frameworks, and libraries. It has been a great experience.

But if you ask me today what your favorite tools I would list these as my preferred tools:

These languages provide the best development experience for me and make it easy to make anything!

TypeScript is an extension of Javascript that enhances development experience with the ability to add type safety to projects and prevent many development bugs and errors related to types.

NextJs is a React framework to create a full-stack web application with many built-in optimizations and rendering methods.

TailwindCSS is a CSS framework that provides utility-based classes that can be used directly in HTML, making it easy to style HTML elements very fast and modify them. It is also possible to do complex styles for elements just like CSS very easily!

Supabase is a BaaS (Backend-as-a-Service) to create projects with a PostgreSQL database, Authentication, Edge Functions, Realtime Subscriptions, and Storage.

Prisma is an ORM (Object Relation Mapping) that makes working with databases an easy task because of the ability to create models in a clean way and migrated the models to the database, type safety, and auto-completion.

I enjoy the work of Web Development and I also like to write more about it in my Blog I also like to help people create Websites so don't hesitate to reach out to me 👍